Adding new question type

July 1, 2021

Adding new question type

Adding a new question type requires changes in all existing applications in survey solutions.

When implementing it think about an answers to the following questions:

  • What CLR type can be used to represent an answer to your question type. Consider existing types
  • How do you see this question to be represented in export – Is answer should be presented differently during preloading of assignments
  • How will it be represented on UI for interviewer, headquarters (answered read-only state)


Entry point is enum QuestionType. To add new entry here or not depends on how much your new question type is different from any of the existing types. In order to be able to use answer to a question in questionnaire expressions implement a type conversion in QuestionTypeToCSharpTypeMapper. You should always choose a type that can have a null value in it.

Extend QuestionnaireInfoFactory. This class is responsible to generate classes provided to a javascript view from QuestionnaireDocument object.

Implement needed UI to edit question details on designer. To do it introduce changes in src\UI\WB.UI.Designer\questionnaire folder. Start at views/question.html, controllers/question.js this is code that is generic to all question types. There you’ll be able to find how customizations per type can be implemented. Client javascript application sends commands to CommandController so check if you need to introduce changes there.

If you need to store custom properties for your question type create new command that is going to be used in update operations. Find implementation of UpdateTextQuestion class as an example

Implement needed new verifications to be used during questionnaire compilation. QuestionnaireVerifier class is an entry point for all checks that are executed, check QuestionVerifications class for examples. Verifications are separated into 3 levels (VerificationMessageLevel enum) - Critical, Error and Warning.

  • Critical errors are first to be checked by verifier. If any critical error found in questionnaire its likely to break the entire questionnaire structure and will lead to more and more errors. So if any critical error is found further lower level checks are not executed.
  • Error is regular error
  • Warning is shows in separate list and not prevents user from importing questionnaire to headquarters application

Once question can be saved on designer and verified implement its representation for PDF Export. PdfFactory class is responsible for preparing data to render document, views to render UI can be found in src\UI\WB.UI.Designer\Areas\Pdf folder. PDF file is generated from html with wkhtmltopdf tool.

In order to prevent older Headquarters applications from importing questionnaires that are using new question type extend DesignerEngineVersionService class with check for existence of a new type. Assign current ApiVersion.MaxQuestionnaireVersion to existing last check, increment later constant by 1 and use it to assign content version in your new check.

Do not forget to write unit test for all introduced changes.


Headquarters application should be able to display added question type during interview review and give an ability to give answers when web mode is used.

At this point you’ll need to implement an ability for interview to receive answers for that new question type. Interview represents itself as a tree inside (InterviewTree). Each question has own type that stores answer and state if its disabled, valid, etc. You need to create a representation of your question type, create a new class, take a InterviewTreeGpsQuestion as an example. While adding question type for a tree you’ll also create a type to store answer to your question type. Now you should be able to add a new command, example can found at AnswerGeographyQuestionCommand.cs. After new class for command is created add a new method that will accept answer in Interview.cs file, take AnswerAreaQuestion(AnswerGeographyQuestionCommand command) as an example. When that done you should be able to implement answering command. You’ll need to extend ApplyUpdateAnswerEvents method in the Interview class to raise new event type for your question.

When interview is accepting answer and is raising proper event, implement UI for web mode. Extend class that converts interview entities into UI dtos - WebInterviewInterviewEntityFactory. Specifically GetEntityDetails method. Create needed dto classes for it. Open src/UI/WB.UI.Frontend in visual studio code, create a new vue component in src\webinterview\components\questions folder. Existing convention maps component to a type declared in WB.Enumerator.Native.WebInterview.Models.InterviewEntityType enumeration. So extend it with new type and add appropriate .vue component (Integer.vue can be an example).


Implement preloading for new question type. Its done in 2 phases:

  1. parsing and validating raw csv file for validity
  2. verifying interview specific rules, question types and questions existence

Code is located in AssignmentsImportService.VerifySimpleAndSaveIfNoErrors method. It checks file and stores it in rows to database for background process to pickup and create assignments. When file is uploaded and stored AssignmentsVerificationJob validates it for interview specific rules, if needed extend it. After validation assignment is created in AssignmentsImportJob. To parse string value into a proper answer value extend AssignmentsImportService.ToInterviewAnswer method.

Web tester

If implemented properly should be working already since its using same code as web interview does.


Start implementation from extending of InterviewViewModelFactory. Method GetEntityModelType converts questionnaire question type to question type that is mapped to a specific viewmodel (GetEntityModelType). Extend InterviewEntityType enum, EntityTypeToViewModelMap method and create new viewmodel type for new question. Each question has generic functionalities like title, instructions, validations, warnings, comments etc. They are added by composition in parent viewmodel. Look for TextQuestionViewModel as an example of implementation. Viewmodel should implement multiple interfaces to be fully supported by interviewer application:

  • IInterviewEntityViewModel - makes it possible for section viewmodel to track individual entities
  • IViewModelEventHandler<TextQuestionAnswered> - viewmodel should update own ui when Interview accepted answer and pushed event about it back to interview
  • IViewModelEventHandler<AnswersRemoved> - same as answered
  • ICompositeQuestion - in order to achieve smooth scrolling each question is spitted into small rows. This interface allows for parent viewmodel to get a plain list of entities that question is composed of
  • IDisposable - called when user leaves section to clear all managed resources, unsubscribe from evets.


Export development is done in separate solution - src/Services/WB.Services.sln. Extend QuestionType enum and add a type that will represent new question type in questionnaire document (same was as it was implemented in designer). Extend QuestionnaireSchemaGenerator.GetSqlTypeForQuestion method that maps question type to PostgreSQL column type. If your question spans across multiple export columns (as multi option does for example) extend implementation of QuestionnaireExportStructureFactory.FillHeaderWithQuestionsInsideGroup method.