Development environment

July 1, 2021

Development environment

In order to be able to buld Survey Solutions locally, you will need to install several prerequesties fist:

  • Install PostgreSQL.
  • Install LTS version of node JS (we currently use version 12).
  • Install yarn package manager.
  • Install latest version of core SDK.
  • Install Xamarin build tools for your platform.

Running locally

First you need to build javascript UI. It Can be done by running either .build.ps1, build.all.deps.bat or scripts. This will build frontend components for Designer, Headquarters and Web Tester applications.

By default web applications use a locally installed PostgreSQL database. Review connection strings in appsettings.ini files to be able to run applications properly. Each web application supports configuration override for development purposes. Add appsettings.DEV_DEFAULTS.ini with required configuration.

To run Designer application execute:

dotnet run --project src/UI/WB.UI.Designer/WB.UI.Designer.csproj

To run Web tester execute:

dotnet run --project src/UI/WB.UI.Designer/WB.UI.Designer.csproj

To run Headquarters application execute:

dotnet run --project src/UI/WB.UI.Headquarters.Core/WB.UI.Headquarters.csproj

to run Export service execute:

dotnet run --project src/Services/Export/WB.Services.Export.Host/WB.Services.Export.Host.csproj

In order to build android applications you can use following command:

# interviewer
msbuild src/UI/Interviewer/WB.UI.Interviewer/WB.UI.Interviewer.csproj /restore /p:XamarinBuildDownloadAllowUnsecure=true /t:SignAndroidPackage
# supervisor
msbuild src/UI/Supervisor/WB.UI.Supervisor/WB.UI.Supervisor.csproj /restore /p:XamarinBuildDownloadAllowUnsecure=true /t:SignAndroidPackage
# tester
msbuild src/UI/Tester/WB.UI.Tester/WB.UI.Tester.csproj /restore /p:XamarinBuildDownloadAllowUnsecure=true /t:SignAndroidPackage

in the log there will be the location of compiled apks. However, in order to go to production you may need to create your own signature to sign apks.