The suggested citation for Survey Solutions is:
The World Bank, 2025 Survey Solutions CAPI/CAWI platform: Release 25.01.2. Washington DC, The World Bank
Please, specify the version and year corresponding to the version you were using at the time of the survey.
Important notices:
Note that the following spellings are incorrect and should be avoided in references to this software:
- “Survey Solution” - incorrect;
- “SurveySolutions” - incorrect;
- “SuSo” - incorrect;
- “SurSol” - incorrect.
Please note, that
(Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) is a technology, which is implemented in many and diverse software packages. A reference to CAPI helps identify the technology (as opposed to e.g. paper-based data collection), but not a specific program or package utilized in data collection. CAPI technology dates back to at least 1980s and certainly predates Survey Solutions.Note:
Please note, that during initial development of this product it was known under the name of
and the references to it under this name still circulate online in the materials (example) dating back to the period of 2012-2013. However, this title is by now obsolete, and the established name is specifically “Survey Solutions
” currently.Note:
Please note that there is a number of other products and companies online with similar titles or domain addresses, which are not affiliated with the development of this product, notably:
- “Survey Solutions by ICAHN” at
- “Survey Solutions” at
- “Survey Solutions, LLC” at
- “Original Survey Solutions” at
- “E38 Survey Solutions” at
- “Progressive Survey Solutions” at
and numerous other products, technologies, and companies.
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