This article discusses the appearance (fonts / scripts) of a Survey Solutions questionnaire. You may also be interested in:
- changing the interface language of Survey Solutions.
- composing multilingual questionnaires.
The questionnaire instrument (questions, options, section names, error and warning messages, etc) can be designed in any language supported in Unicode. Survey Solutions allows text entry in Unicode and the entered values will be preserved in the exported data (UTF-8).
The variable names utilized in the questionnaire must be written strictly using English alphabet (AB..Zab..z), digits and the underscore character. For complete set of rules for variable names see the variable names article.
The following public questionnaire demonstrates various text messages written in different languages:

Figure 1 : text rendered in various left-to-right languages.

Figure 2 : text rendered in various right-to-left languages.

Figure 3 : free text entry.