SSAW PowerShell module contains cmdlets wrapping Survey Solutions API to abstract away from some of the HTTP details. As PowerShell command-line shell is already present and all Windows machines, users can start automating their interaction with Survey Solutions application without any additional software development. PowerShell can be installed on Mac and Linux computers as well, but you may prefer to use the Python client insted.
Open PowerShell shell and type:
PS> Install-Module -Name SSAW
Configure Server Connection
PS> $conf = Get-SSAWConfiguration
PS> conf['BaseUrl'] = ''
PS> $conf['Username'] = 'api_user'
PS> $conf['Password'] = 'password' # not an actual password!
Start interacting with the server
get list of questionnaires:
PS> Get-SSAWQuestionnaires
Questionnaires : {@{QuestionnaireIdentity=a98a849d7b9d4346912a3b98267985a4$1; QuestionnaireId=a98a849d-7b9d-4346-912a-3b98267985a4; Version=1;
Title=Klimalez2020;Variable=Q; LastEntryDate=6/17/2020 7:02:54 AM; IsAudioRecordingEnabled=False; WebModeEnabled=False},
@{QuestionnaireIdentity=e9d38a7fa4be45a48ced2589970641f4$1; QuestionnaireId=e9d38a7f-a4be-45a4-8ced-2589970641f4; Version=1;
Title=Maps; Variable=mp; LastEntryDate=6/18/2020 11:25:47 PM; IsAudioRecordingEnabled=False; WebModeEnabled=False},
@{QuestionnaireIdentity=656da88508ee43bcb90f93d8866fe76d$1;QuestionnaireId=656da885-08ee-43bc-b90f-93d8866fe76d; Version=1;
Title=PROJET ALICE; Variable=PROJET_ALICE; LastEntryDate=6/21/2020 12:20:12 PM;IsAudioRecordingEnabled=False; WebModeEnabled=True},
@{QuestionnaireIdentity=a98a849d7b9d4346912a3b98267985a4$2;QuestionnaireId=a98a849d-7b9d-4346-912a-3b98267985a4; Version=2;
Title=Klimalez2020; Variable=Q; LastEntryDate=6/17/2020 7:02:54 AM; IsAudioRecordingEnabled=False; WebModeEnabled=False}…}
Order :
Limit : 10
TotalCount : 761
Offset : 1
get list of assignments:
PS> Get-Assignments
Assignments : {@{Id=23072; ResponsibleId=4264d1ec-6597-4287-8708-ec3cc3a1bd23; ResponsibleName=Team03;
QuestionnaireId=4ce37b21bdfc440baae03353b61c4a11$1; InterviewsCount=0; Quantity=1; Archived=False; CreatedAtUtc=1/22/2021 10:16:06 PM;
UpdatedAtUtc=1/22/2021 10:18:24 PM; Email=; Password=; WebMode=False; ReceivedByTabletAtUtc=; IsAudioRecordingEnabled=False},
@{Id=23073; ResponsibleId=4264d1ec-6597-4287-8708-ec3cc3a1bd23; ResponsibleName=Team03;
QuestionnaireId=4ce37b21bdfc440baae03353b61c4a11$1; InterviewsCount=0; Quantity=1; Archived=False; CreatedAtUtc=1/22/2021 10:16:06 PM;
UpdatedAtUtc=1/22/2021 10:18:24 PM; Email=; Password=; WebMode=False; ReceivedByTabletAtUtc=; IsAudioRecordingEnabled=False}…}
Order :
Limit : 20
TotalCount : 19766
Offset : 1
get list of export jobs for specific questionnaire and version
PS> Get-SSAWExportJobs -QuestionnaireIdentity 'a98a849d7b9d4346912a3b98267985a4$1'
JobId : 202720
ExportStatus : Completed
StartDate : 1/22/2021 11:19:33 PM
CompleteDate : 1/22/2021 11:19:34 PM
Progress : 100
Error :
Links : @{Cancel=; Download=}
HasExportFile : True
ExportType : STATA
QuestionnaireId : a98a849d7b9d4346912a3b98267985a4$1
InterviewStatus : All
From :
To :
AccessToken :
RefreshToken :
StorageType :
TranslationId :
IncludeMeta :
download export archive
PS> Get-SSAWExportFile -Id 202720
LastWriteTime : 1/22/2021 6:33:52 PM
Length : 1022502
Name :
start new export job, wait for it to finish and download archive
PS> $job = Initialize-SSAWExportJob -QuestionnaireId 'a98a849d7b9d4346912a3b98267985a4$1' -ExportType "SPSS" -InterviewStatus "All"
PS> Start-SSAWExportJob $job -Wait | Get-SSAWExportFile