Setup and Configuration
Survey Solutions Server
This article describes the main steps to setup your own Survey Solutions server.
Study the requirements for a server. These requirements are minimal and may be periodically revised. Your survey may require a different hardware configuration. You may need to calibrate for a few months before the survey to determine the optimal configuration.
Follow the installation instructions to install the prerequisites and the Survey Solutions itself.
Note: there is only one installation set regardless where you want to install: to a physical server or to a cloud-based server. The installation file for survey solutions may be obtained from the Download section of the self-service portal.
February 3, 2025
Deployment with Docker
You can install and run Survey Solutions Headquarters using our official Docker image.
Survey Solutions container can be executed on any hosting system that is capable of running linux/amd64 containers. Please refer to docker documentation page on how to install Docker for Your operating system -
Survey Solutions has linux based container image and cannot be run in Windows Containers. To run Survey Solutions in Docker on Windows you will need WSL2
October 24, 2024
Workspace Settings
Survey Solutions server administrator may adjust the workspace settings. These settings affect simultaneously all surveys and all users in a particular workspace on the server and have the effect immediately when applied.
These settings are visible only to the user logged in in an administrative role and can be accessed from:
- for the current workspace:
→Workspace settings
. - for any other workspace:
→ click particular workspace name →Settings
Export Encryption
This group of settings contains settings that control the encryption of the data archive produced when exporting the data from Survey Solutions.
June 5, 2024Server Installation
Installation has following steps:
Installing PostgreSQL
Make sure that you have an installed and running instance of PostgreSQL before running SurveySolutions.exe
You can download PostgreSQL from here and run the setup. Pick the latest stable version (note: Survey Solutions will not work with PostgreSQL prior to version 10.0).
During the process you’ll set the password for the database superuser:
📷 PostgreSQL password
Configuring Export in a Survey Solutions Server Farm
Massive operations involving millions of respondents present considerable load on the infrastructure servicing the requests where Survey Solutions is deployed. This results in server administrators finding themselves in a situation where they need to scale up the infrastructure to ensure the system remains reliable and responsive. Such situations are neither new, nor specific to Survey Solutions software, but merely reflect the peaks in demand for resources that may fluctuate depending on the time of day, impact of ad campaigns, and other factors.
March 13, 2024Procedures for maintenance
This page contains an outline of procedures that you may need to perform as instructed by developers. Please, pay attention to the steps and record the values and messages as instructed.
On the tablet:
- Make sure you are logged out of the Interviewer application.
- Reboot the tablet.
- Start the Interviewer App.
- Log in as interviewer,
- Send to the person providing assistance (see bullets 3, 4, and 6 here):
- the interviewer trace logs,
- all tablet information, and
- all technical information.
Interviewer trace logs shall be picked by the server administrator by visiting the corresponding server administration page: device logs.
October 11, 2023Healthcheck
Survey Solutions server administrator has access to the special healthcheck
page using the following: menu
→ Administration
→ Diagnostics

The health check diagnostics page shows:
- Overall server health status.
- Results of diagnostic checks.
- Server metrics.
- Statistics by workspace of the server.
Overall server health check
The following can be the statuses for the healthcheck:
- Healthy (green) - export service is responding and can access headquarters;
- Degraded (yellow) - export service is not answering;
- Unhealthy (red) - export service cannot access headquarters;
Results of diagnostic checks.
These are the diagnostic checks related to server configuration: whether the settings are set up correctly and the different components are able to talk to each other. Most of these settings are taken from the application configuration file, which is modified during the server post-installation configuration.
April 27, 2023Demo server
Survey Solutions developers team provides a special demo server equipped with the latest version of the Survey Solutions Headquarters for the users that want to:
- explore the interface of the software,
- try different roles,
- test pre-loading data files,
- see the new features added in a recent release.
It is important to understand that this server may not be utilized for real survey data collection, because this server is a public server that anyone in the world can access, and also because the demo server is also periodically cleared (erazed), when it accumulates a lot of old surveys or users that are no longer active, usually once a month.
April 10, 2023Server storage space
This article explains the importance of adequate storage space for a Survey Solutions server.

Survey Solutions saves a lot of data. Database sizes in the size of tens of GBs are commonly observed even in small surveys. Population censuses may consume TBs of data.
Survey Solutions stores the data:
- in the database and
- in files on file system of the server.
It is crucial that the system doesn’t run out of storage for its continuous and reliable operation.
April 5, 2023Support tool
Survey Solutions comes with a built-in support tool that can be used in special situations:
- where an action needs to be taken programmatically;
- where an action may not be taken through the web interface.
The support tool is being called via a command line (while being in the directory where Survey Solutions is installed), we type:
WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage ...
followed by one of the following commands:
These commands and their subcommands and options are described below.
November 25, 2021