Setup and Configuration
Personal Demo Server
Survey Solutions users may familiarize themselves with the Headquarters/Admin functionality using a personal demo server (PDS).
Personal demo servers are managed through the self-service portal. You start by submitting a corresponding request. Before you proceed, make sure you understand the purpose and limitations of the PDS:
- Every Survey Solutions user may request one PDS.
- There are no forms to fill and the server becomes available shortly after the request is submitted.
- The address of the server is and cannot be changed.
- The server and all stored data will be automatically deleted 30 days after it was created.
- A PDS may not be extended, but can be requested again after it expires.
- We do not do backups of data stored on PDS and there is no possibility for any data recovery after the site has been stopped (all content is deleted immediately).
- Once a PDS is created for a user, it may not be transferred to another user.
The objective of a PDS is to give the user a playground to study and experiment and not to collect any real survey data. In fact the PDS are configured to handle only minimal workloads (approx 1,000 interviews).
July 19, 2021Data Server Errors
The following errors may be encountered when working with a data server:
1. “Unable to import new questionnaire: Could not connect to Designer. Please check if Designer is available and try again."
Your Headquaters installation is trying to contact the Survey Solutions Designer server to import the questionnaire, but can’t reach it. It is very unlikely that the Designer is not responding or is not working read how to check here so the problem is most likely with your network configuration. Consult your network administrator and ask him/her to trace the signal and see where it stops. Most commonly it is prevented by your Firewall software or hardware.
June 23, 2021DB connection errors
The following error may be encountered during the server startup, when it fails to establish connection to the database server:
Note, that since the message is displayed on a publicly accessible page, it does not elaborate the specific reason for the problem.
When the server displays the above message, it is incapacitated and the error needs to be fixed asap. This is especially critical if the server is being utilized for CAWI surveys, where the respondents following the link in the invitation will likely be lost if they encounter this message instead of the survey form to fill out. Also the interviewers will not be able to synchronize their tablets, neither to submit collected interviews, nor to receive new assignments. In fact, because the database is storing the information that is needed to authenticate the users, no activity can be undertaken on the server that requires authentication.
June 23, 2021AWS setup
Installation of Survey Solutions on Amazon AWS
The installation consists of the following steps:
- Create security group for web server and RDS to be able to communicate
- Create PostgreSQL instance
- Create EC2 instance for running Survey Solutions
- Install Survey Solutions
Create security group
In order to have connection between Survey Solutions and PostgreSQL you can create new security group as described in here.
May 31, 2021Configuring export to external cloud storage.
Survey Solutions may be configured to export data to major international cloud storage providers:
- DropBox
- Google Drive
- Microsoft OneDrive
To enable export to the external storages the following configuration
changes need to be done to the configuration file appsettings.Production.ini
- Add section:
Note that you need to substitute-in your server name in the RedirectUri
Decide which external storages you want to make available to the users of your server (this is shared across all workspaces) from the above mentioned list of cloud providers.
April 29, 2021
Support packages
Support packages are also known as tablet information packages. These terms are used interchangeably in this documentation.
Survey Solutions contains a built-in mechanism for collecting the data from tablets and transmitting it to the HQ server. This helps to investigate the issues where the interviewers can not supply any detailed problem report and commonly describe the problem with “it doesn’t work” or “it crashes” and it is difficult or not possible to access the device directly.
March 18, 2021Device Logs
Survey Solutions contains a built-in mechanism for logging the problems and transmitting the log data from tablets to the HQ server. This helps to investigate the issues where the interviewers can not supply any detailed problem report and commonly describe the problem with “it doesn’t work” or “it crashes” and it is difficult or not possible to access the device directly.
The information contained in the device logs is rather technical and should be interpreted by IT personnel or software developers. If you are looking for a description of activities undertaken by an interviewer, rather than solving a technical problem, then the Interviewer Actions Log must be used instead.
March 18, 2021Survey Solutions Server
This article describes the main steps to setup your own Survey Solutions server.
Study the requirements for a server. These requirements are minimal and may be periodically revised. Your survey may require a different hardware configuration. You may need to calibrate for a few months before the survey to determine the optimal configuration.
Follow the installation instructions to install the prerequisites and the Survey Solutions itself.
November 20, 2020
Azure setup
Installation of Survey Solutions on Microsoft Azure
In order to install - register on azure portal and login. Installation steps are going to use azure shell.
After loggedin into azure shell execute command with variables that are going to be needed later. Feel free to change them as you need:
RG=surveysolutions \
LOC=westeurope \
STOREACC=surveysolutions \
SHARE_NAME=surveysolutions \
PGSERVER=suso-postgres \
PGPASS=password \
WEBAPPNAME=surveysolutions-webapp \
November 5, 2020
Export Service
Version 20.08 and newer
Version 20.08 is delivered with export service embedded within Headquarters application. No separate windows service is installed in the system, only IIS website. All the information regarding startup of export you can find in logs folder. You still need to have BaseUrl
configured properly, but no need to manage ExportServiceUrl
Version 20.07 and older
Survey solutions comes in two parts. Headquarters user facing web application (usually executed within IIS web server) and Export background windows service. Web site is communicating with its export service using HTTP protocol and specified in settings port. If you open your appsettings.Production.ini
file you can find two URLs that are important for export service: