Survey Solutions comes with a built-in support tool that can be used in special situations:
- where an action needs to be taken programmatically;
- where an action may not be taken through the web interface.
The support tool is being called via a command line (while being in the directory where Survey Solutions is installed), we type:
WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage ...
followed by one of the following commands:
These commands and their subcommands and options are described below.
–> Print application version information
This command doesn’t have any subcommands or options.
–> Manage users of Headquarters
Subcommand to create a new user account
--username or --login
--workspace or -w
Subcommand to reset password for an existing user
--username or --login
Subcommand to disable 2-factor authentication for an existing user
--username or --login
Subcommand to release a security lock for an existing user
--username or --login
–> Manage workspaces
Subcommand to add new workspace to Headquarters
--name or -n Name of the workspace
--title or -t Title of the workspace
Subcommand to list workspaces
–> Migrate database to latest version
–wait-for-db Wait for DB to be available. Default is False
–timeout Limit wait time for DB in seconds. Default is 0. Used in conjunction with --wait-for-db
Users may also type: WB.UI.Headquarters.exe -help
to obtain a quick summary of
commands in the version they have installed.
Common use
Most users will never encounter a situation where they would need to use this support tool. But when they do, most commonly the support tool needs to be used:
- to reset the password of the server administrator if it is forgotten, for example:
.\WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage users reset-password --username ACCOUNTNAME --password "NEWPASSWORD"
- if the administrator’s account became inaccessible due to the two-factor authentication, where the token generator became lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise inaccessible, for example:
.\WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage users disable2fa --login loginName
- in the situations where we need to release the automatic lock on login attempts when we believe that the account is no longer under a threat; for example:
.\WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage users releaselock --login loginName
- to create a second administrator account;
- to programmatically create a number of users and workspaces.
Note: make sure the new password that you assign when you do a password reset is compliant with the minimum security requirements for the account password at this server!
Use with Docker
When Survey Solutions is deployed in Docker, the command must be directed at a particular Docker container:
...>docker exec CONTAINERID dotnet WB.UI.Headquarters.dll NORMALSYNTAX
is the ID of the Docker container you want to direct the command to, andNORMALSYNTAX
is the syntax you’d otherwise write afterWB.UI.Headquarters.exe
using the above description.
Example 1
to reset the password of the user with login name admin to the value AghyrAbyrr25 in the Docker container with the ID d7d17a143852 one can submit the following command:
c:\dock>docker exec d7d17a143852 dotnet WB.UI.Headquarters.dll manage users reset-password --username admin --password "AghyrAbyrr25"
[16:18:59 INF] Headquarters Reset password for user admin succeeded
Example 2
to obtain the list of workspaces defined in the server running in the same Docker container:
c:\dock>docker exec d7d17a143852 dotnet WB.UI.Headquarters.dll manage workspaces list
primary Default Workspace