Organization of meta-data storage in the exported data

September 17, 2020

Survey Solutions export file is a zip-archive with multiple data files corresponding to various levels of data and system-generated accompanying data reflecting the comments, errors, statuses and other technical information about interviews and assignments. When the corresponding setting is activated in the export interface, the data is accompanied with the meta-data reflecting the structure of the questionnaire. The meta-data is saved to the subfolder Questionnaire of the export archive.

The questionnaire subfolder contains the following information:

  • file - which is the content of the questionnaire as it is designed in the Designer tool;
  • file ddi.xml - which is a representation of the questionnaire in the DDI format;
  • subfolder PDF - which contains PDF-previews of the questionnaire rendered in all languages of the questionnaire. The translations are named with a human-readable title of the language followed by the questionnaire variable (both as specified in the Designer tool).

The content of the questionnaire may be accessed by the user-written applications by inspecting the zip-archive This archive has the following structure:

  • file document.json - JSON file describing the content of the questionnaire (includes all sections, questions, logical expressions, etc).
  • folder Attachments - contains individually saved attachments to questionnaire object. Each attachment is saved into a subfolder bearing the GUID of the attachment (as referenced to from the questionnaire document) and a file Content-Type.txt which mentions the attachment content type.
  • folder Categories - contains sets of reusable categories saved as individual files in Excel format (xlsx) and named with the GUID of the reusable categories set (as referenced from the questionnaire document).
  • folder Lookup Tables - contains lookup tables saved as individual files in tab-delimited text format (txt) and named with the GUID of the reusable categories set (as referenced from the questionnaire document).
  • folder Translations - contains translations of questionnaire saved as individual files in Excel format (xlsx) and named with the GUID of translation (as referenced from the questionnaire document).