Data Export

Stata export file format

When Survey Solutions v5.18 is writing an exported data file in Stata format it is producing it according to Stata 14 data file specification, available from StataCorp LLC. 

Stata versions prior to version 14.0 (e.g. 12.0, 13.1, etc) cannot open these files because these older versions of the software are not aware of the newer file format. The message that the user will see on the screen varies, and may look, for example like the following:

April 11, 2017

Rosters-Export File Anatomy

Recall that each exported file corresponds with a level of observation in the questionnaire. Rosters and their source question are exported as follows:

  • Source question: Export file at the questionnaire level (corresponds with the name of the questionnaire)
  • Roster: Export file at the roster level (corresponds with the roster name)

List Roster

In the export file at the questionnaire level, a list roster source question generates as many columns as the defined maximum number of list elements. Recorded values will be shown in each column.

November 9, 2016

Questionnaire Data - Export File Anatomy

Every questionnaire will contain at least one data file corresponding to the main level of data, and potentially one or more subordinate files corresponding to additional levels defined by the rosters.

Questionnaire level file: file name corresponds to the title of the questionnaire  

The questionnaire level export file consists of the following columns: Id, question variable names including roster trigger questions, and the system generated case Id.

September 23, 2016

Data Export Files


The exported data will be in a .zip file containing one or more files. The number of such files is a function of the structure of the questionnaire, meaning that exporting produces one file per level of observation in the questionnaire, or in other words in addition to one file at the questionnaire level, each roster in the questionnaire will generate another export file.  For example, one file for household-level variables, one file for household member-level variables, and one file for asset-level or consumption item-level variables. Additionally, the .zip file will contain interview comments and interview actions files.  

August 18, 2016