Maps Management

Online maps key

Usage of online maps is possible in Survey Solutions by consuming data sources of Esri. By default the API key is blank (not specified) and the online maps are not selectable on mobile devices. Specifying a valid key facilitates using Esri’s services supplying tiles for base map layer when: using the map dashboard, and/or answering geography type questions in Interviewer and Supervisor apps. Usage of the ESRI API key may (and likely will) cost you money.

June 5, 2024

Map files

In Survey Solutions all maps are first uploaded to the server, then distributed to the interviewers based on assignments of maps. This functionality is accessible for the users in roles headquarters and administrator only. The Map files page is the page where the maps are managed at the Survey Solutions server (Headquarters). It can be accessed by The Maps dialog is using two icons to denote types of the uploaded maps:

June 5, 2024

Digital Map Formats

Survey Solutions offline maps may be prepared in any of the following formats: FORMAT EXTENSION TYPE EXTERNAL LINKS ESRI tile package. *.tpk raster USDA Tutorial on creation of TPK tile packages.ESRI documentation Create Map Tile Package ESRI mobile map package. *.mmpk raster ESRI tutorial on creating MMPK mobile map packages. GeoTIFF*.tiff raster OGC GeoTIFF standard Example file and description. Pacific Community (SPC) tutorial How to generate offline maps for Survey Solutions in QGIS.

January 9, 2024

Shapefile maps

Survey Solutions Interviewer App displays maps for two purposes: The dashboard depicts the assignments and interviews on the map by placing markers that correspond to the coordinates of an identifying question. Geography questions (single- and multiple points, polyline and polygon) allow capturing geographical information by marking it on the map layer, typically a satellite or aero-photography. Survey Solutions has been employing this functionality for several years already using the ESRI ArcGIS Android SDK components.

June 14, 2022