Downloadable Report on Interviewers

December 6, 2017

This report is accessible in CSV, TSV, or Excel formats from the list of the interviewers screen and contains important information about the equipment being used by the interviewer and various statistics about the interviewer accounts, equipment status, etc.

Thematically the indicators reported here are placed in the following groups:

Indicator namingGroup
i_*indicators related to the interviewer account
these indicators represent static or accumulated information about the interviewer account
t_*indicators related to the tablet device;
these characteristics, like RAM size or manufacturer are not expected to change throughout the lifetime of the device.
s_*indicators related to the current status;
these characteristics, like battery charge, or screen orientation may change throughout the lifetime of the device.
z_*indicators related to the last synchronization session;
these indicators characterize the last synchronization session.
d_*indicators related to dashboard of the interviewer
these indicators characterize the state of the interviewer's dashboard.

Below is the full list of the indicators exported in this report and their interpretation

IndicatorInterpretationWhat to expect (example)
i_nameLogin name of the interviewerjohnsmith
i_idUnique ID of the interviewer's accountd7a7324a-c4f9-472d-8f16-be3a5c38f3a1
i_supervisorNameLogin name of the supervisor, which supervises this interviewermaryjackson
i_fullName(optional) full name of the interviewer (if specified)John SMITH
i_email(optional) contact email for interviewer (if specified)
i_phone(optional) contact phone number of the interviewer (if specified)555-4321
i_lastLoginDateDate of last login to the server. Missing if never logged in.
(UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
s_appVersionVersion of the Survey Solutions Interviewer App installed on the tablet of this interviewer5.25.10 (build 12345) with Maps
s_updateAvailableFlag whether an update is available for the Interviewer AppTrue, False
s_linkedDateDate when the tablet was linked or last re-linked
Note: date only, no time.
i_nSyncSuccTotal number of successful synchronization sessions10
i_nSyncFailTotal number of failed synchronization sessions2
n_avgSyncSpeedAverage synchronization speed, in bytes per second4000
t_lastCommDateLast communication date
(UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).
t_idTablet device IDb48cc07217168f0c
t_serialNumberTablet device serial number*.1374c8ba06c120a8
t_deviceTypeType of the device (tablet or phone)Tablet, Phone
t_manufacturerDevice manufacturer HP, samsung, asus, ...
t_modelDevice modelSM-T350, P01M, ...
t_buildNumberDevice build numberMMB99M.T350XXU1BSS1
s_languageCurrent interface language of the device (written in that language)English, Русский
s_androidVersionVersion of the Android OS currently installed on the linked device.5.0 Lollipop(21)
s_updatedDateDate of the last update of the installed Survey Solutions App
(UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
s_lastKnownLocationLatLatitude of the last known location of the tablet**43
s_lastKnownLocationLonLongitude of the last known location of the tablet**-29
s_orientationScreen orientation of the devicePortrait, Landscape
s_batteryStatusBattery charge, percent66
s_powerSourcePower sourceAc, Battery, Usb, Charge,
s_powerSaveModeFlag whether the device is in the power save modeTrue, False
s_storageFreeFree storage space on device, in bytes7863558144
t_storageTotalTotal storage space on device, in bytes11907813376
s_RAMFreeFree RAM space on device, in bytes499838976
t_RAMTotalTotal RAM space on device, in bytes1498583040
s_databaseSizeSize of the Survey Solutions database locally stored on the tablet, in bytes862725
z_serverClockAtBeginLastSyncServer clock at the beginning of the last synchronization session
(UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
z_tabletClockAtBeginLastSyncTablet clock at the beginning of the last synchronization session
(UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
z_connectionTypeType of connection used during the last synchronization session3G, GPRS, WIFI, LAN***
z_connectionSubTypeSub type of the connection used during the last synchronization session1
z_questReceivedOnTabletNumber of questionnaires received by the tablet during the last synchronization session.1
z_intervReceivedOnTabletNumber of interviews received by the tablet during the last synchronization session2
z_intervReceivedOnServerNumber of interviews received by the server during the last synchronization session5
d_numberAssignmentsTotal number of assignments on the interviewer's dashboard as present during the last synchronization.12
d_numberNewInterviewsTotal number of new interviews on device as present during the last synchronization.3
d_numberRejectedInterviewsTotal number of the rejected interviews on device as present during the last synchronization.0


* each manufacturer may opt for a different numbering scheme, or opt for not assigning unique serial numbers; do not rely on this number to uniquely identify a particular physical device.

** coordinates represent only the last known location of the tablet, which may differ from the current location of the tablet;

*** exact spelling of categories may vary by models, for example: WiFi or WIFI.