Survey Management

Import the Questionnaire

A questionnaire document prepared in the Designer site needs to be imported to the Survey Solutions data server before the data collection may start in that survey. This article outlines how to import a questionnaire from the Designer to the HQ. 🛈 The questionnaire import operation is available to users in HQ or administrator roles. In the main menu select Survey setup, then Questionnaires. Click the Import questionnaire button. Enter the Designer credentials (under which you’ve designed your questionnaire).

February 6, 2024

Server Audit Log

Survey Solutions server administrator may inspect the server audit log. The audit log lists important events that were initiated by the users on the server, identifying who made that action, and when. For actions of interviewers, see the detailed actions log. The server actually provides two kinds of audit logs: per workspace and server-wide. To view the server audit log, the admin user should proceed to Menu → Administration → Audit log.

August 20, 2023

Audio audit

Description Audio auditing enables audio recording of the interviewing process for quality control. Audio auditing automatically records the full interview for selected assignments, stores the recording in encrypted audio files, and synchronizes these audio files along with the linked interview files. It is not possible to record only parts of an interview, but it is possible to select which assignments will be recorded. How to enable/disable audio auditing Before creating an assignment In the main menu of the Headquarters navigate to Survey Setup > Questionnaires; Click on a questionnaire; In the context menu that appears, select Details; Click in the box next to Record audio to enable audio auditing.

March 19, 2023

Exposed Variables

Exposed variables are special variables that are made available by Survey Solutions for speedy access that can be utilized for the filtering of observations in the interviews lists and map reports. All questions and variables from the cover page of any questionnaire are automatically considered to be exposed and no action needs to be undertaken by the user to expose them. In addition the user may expose up to 15 questions or variables from the main level of the questionnaire (the interview level).

May 11, 2021

Questionnaire Details Page

Questionnaire details page reflects information about the questionnaire that has been earlier imported to the Headquarters. You access it by clicking a questionnaire in the list of imported questionnaires (Survey Setup/Questionnaires) Notably, the information properties reflect the structure of the questionnaire as designed (number of sections, rosters, questions, etc) and the information about how the questionnaire is configured at the Headquarters (whether the web mode is on, whether the audio recording is turned on for new assignments, etc).

November 19, 2019

Components of the Headquarters Software

The headquarters software is a suite of connected tools for the administrator and headquarters users: to track the overall progress of the survey (Reports) to review completed interviews (Interviews) to manage the human resources (Teams and Roles) to specify survey instruments, create survey assignments with those instruments(Survey Setup) to export the data collected from these assignments (Data Export) to find a check the status of particular case assignments (Troubleshooting) The difference between the headquarters and administrator users is that the administrator can create headquarters/observer user accounts, archive user accounts, and delete questionnaire templates from the headquarters server.

June 29, 2016

Distributing Assignments to Interviewers

Step 1 Log in to your server using a supervisor account. If you are testing Survey Solutions, log in at using a supervisor account. Step 2 Once the supervisor’s dashboard has loaded, select the Assignments tab. The list of assignments can be filtered by questionnaire template, person responsible, and/or archived status. From the list of assignments, the supervisor the supervisor should select the assignments that they would like to assign to one of their enumerators.

June 28, 2016