Overview of the App

Map Dashboard

Overview of the map dashboard

Survey Solutions map dashboard is an alternative representation of the regular dashboard where markers on the map indicate location of respondents. An interviewer switches to this view by pressing the map icon located in the toolbar next to the synchronization icon on the main dashboard.

Several maps are offered for the Interviewer application (three online maps) and (1 offline map), and more offline maps can be uploaded by the headquarters users using the same procedure as the maps are assigned to be used in the geography-type question. Offline maps usually occupy considerable space in the tablet’s data storage, so only the necessary maps should be assigned to interviewers.

January 3, 2024

Dashboard Card

In the Interviewer and Supervisor Apps each interview/assignment is presented in a form of a card in the dashboard (or map dashboard).

  1. The card tab color corresponds to the interview status. Specifically, the interviewer will see the cards with colored tabs:

    • blue: for interviews in status Started;
    • red: for interviews in status Rejected;
    • green: for interviews in status Completed;
    • purple: for assignments.
  2. Interview number (not present for cards corresponding to assignments).

    January 3, 2024

Interviewer Password Reset

This article describes the actions in case an interviewer forgets the password that was assigned to him/her. If you are a PDS administrator and forgot your password, refer to another article: PDS password reset.


  • Survey Solutions doesn’t store the passwords of interviewers in the clear text. So if it is forgotten, no user may look it up inside Survey Solutions, neither the Supervisors, nor the Headquarters, nor the Administrator users.

    August 24, 2021

Interview Progress Indicator

Survey Solutions works with surveys that may contain thousands of questions, with whole sections being turned on and off dynamically, number of repetitions responding to answers in the interview and other complexities, which present a challenge for estimation of the progress. Yet at any moment of time a certain number of questions are answered (NA), and certain number of questions are not answered (NU). (These numbers were always reported at the interview completions screen.)

May 11, 2020

Interviewer App Notifications

The Interviewer App reminds the interviewers about recommended actions when certain conditions are met by issuing user notifications. It is expected that if the interviewers follow the notifications issued by the software their work will be more efficient, and will let other team members (e.g. supervisors) to act sooner on the collected data.

Some notifications are shown inside the Interviewer app (at the dashboard) and some are shown in the Android system notifications tray. The following table outlines where the notifications are shown and the situations when they are issued.

June 3, 2019

Password Best Practices

All users:

  • Do not write your password on a sticker attached to your device or in another obvious place.
  • Do not let any other person know your password.
  • Do not rely on another person to communicate the password to you unless this is an established procedure (in other words it is normal that the headquarters users set a password for the interviewers, but it must be communicated directly to the interviewer, not through another interviewer).
  • Logout (sign out) after you finish your work.
  • If you believe your password became known to another person, take immediate action - let the supervisors know that the password is compromised, request for a new password to be assigned to you.
  • If you’ve forgotten your password, contact your supervisor (or headquarters user) and request for a new password to be assigned to you. Your old password can not be recovered even by these users.

Supervisors and headquarters users, when resetting a password of an interviewer, make sure:

April 5, 2019

Interviewer Dashboard: Managing the Workload

Overview of the Interviewer Dashboard

The Interviewer dashboard offers an overview of the interviewer’s assignments and the state of completion they are in. The tabs displayed at the top of the dashboard sorts interviews by their status.

To navigate between the different tabs, the interviewer can either tap on the tab at the top bar or swipe left or right. To help interviewers differentiate between the different tabs, the color of the dashboard will change based on which tab the interviewer is currently in. The interface will be grey for the Create New tab, blue for the **Started **tab, green for the Completed tab, and red for the Rejected tab.

July 5, 2017


Sending completed interviews and receiving new ones

The synchronization button is how the interviewer initiates an information exchange between their tablet and their supervisor’s laptop. Synchronization performs two tasks. First, it automatically pushes any completed assignment to the supervisor for review. Second, it automatically pulls all new assignments and data collection instruments onto the interviewer’s tablet. After synchronization is complete, the number of new assignments received, number of completed interviews sent, and so on are clearly displayed.

July 15, 2016

Quality Control & Marking Interviews as Complete

Checking whether all questions have been answered

Quality control starts with the interviewer. The interviewer should thus do everything within their power to ensure that all questions are answered.

The interviewer application offers three ways to do this. The first is the classic method that one might use with a paper questionnaire. The interviewer simply flips the questionnaire looking for unanswered questions or answers that have triggered red error messages.

July 14, 2016

Moving Around the Questionnaire


Interviewers should strictly follow the survey protocol for administering a questionnaire (e.g. asking earlier questions before later questions, completing earlier modules before later modules), but may occasionally need to move around the questionnaire for good reasons (e.g. review their work, move between rows of the roster if the respondent corrects an earlier answer, administer an independent module when the key respondent for that module is present).

The interviewer can move around questionnaires in several ways.

July 14, 2016