
Consequences of relinking a tablet device

When an interviewer account is created at the HQ, an interviewer may connect from any tablet. Once the interviewer has signed in, that device ID is remembered and the interviewer must continue using the same tablet.

No other interviewer will be permitted to use the same device: they will not be able to enter their username unless the interviewer app is uninstalled (with immediate loss of all unsynchronized data).

It is not possible for one user to work on several devices. When the user attempts to use the second device a warning is issued that the data that belongs to this user on the previous device will discarded: “You are already assigned to another device. If you relink to this device all data on the old one will be lost.”

July 16, 2020


Interviewers in all surveys are to contact their respective survey managers/supervisors first, who will take reasonable efforts to determine the cause of the issue and possible solution including describing the issue and searching for similar issues in the users' forum and this support site.

If the issue is determined to be caused by the Survey Solutions code, it should be elevated to the developers including a detailed description, steps to reproduce the issue, etc. See more in the FAQ for email support.

There are special pages dedicated to common problems, such as synchronization problems for tablets. Make sure you read and follow the standard troubleshooting advice before elevating it to the developers. Include the description of the conclusion of the relevant standard advice, this will help in determining the proper recommendation.

The support team may advise you to utilize certain diagnostics tools embedded in the interviewer application or change certain settings. You can read more about this in the corresponding articles:

January 8, 2020

Interviewer App Settings Dialog

Interviewers normally should not change any of the settings on this page, but may be required to do so based on the instructions of their supervisors or technical support.

Some combinations or values of these settings may cause errors in operation/synchronization. Change these settings only if you know what you are doing.

If you do make any changes compared to the default values, and you are requesting support from the development team, you must mention in your question, issue description, or the support request, which settings you've changed and which values you've specified.

GPS receive timeoutDesired accuracy of GPS questionsShow location on mapVibrate when invalid answer is givenAllow synchronization with HeadquartersSupervisor URLServer response timeoutCommunication package sizeEvent chunk sizeDevice IDApplication version

Below is a brief description of these settings.

January 8, 2020

Interviewer App Diagnostics Dialog

The Diagnostics dialog provides tools for troubleshooting. Most of these tools require the tablet to be online (connected to the Internet). The Survey Solutions support may instruct you to use one or the other tool from the below toolset.

Check for new versionTest bandwidth to the serverSend trace logsCollect and sent to HQ all tablet informationGenerate support packageShare all technical information

Below is the explanation of these tools with some example illustrations (NB clickable items below).

January 8, 2020

Synchronization problems

Synchronization of the data between the tablet and server is a highly complex process of communication during which a number of actions are undertaken on both ends based on the flow of incoming data. Survey Solutions hides the complexity of it behind a simple Synchronize button available to the interviewer at any time. Normally, when synchronization is completed successfully, the interviewer receives a confirmation message and some summary statistics describing the actions taken (such as number of received assignments or transferred interviews).

May 16, 2018