Questionnaire Components
Questionnaire variable
Questionnaire variable field is a new mandatory field for questionnaires in Designer.
Previously, the Questionnaire name field dictated the name of both the questionnaire and its main export file. Now, the questionnaires have two fields in Designer: the Questionnaire name field is a human-readable name that can contain any characters you wish, in any language, and can be rather large.
The Questionnaire variable field is an identifier that will be utilized by Survey Solutions during export of the data for naming the main data file and should follow the same rules as applied to variable names and roster names. This makes the naming of files more rigid and independent of the language in which the questionnaire was designed. For questionnaires to be valid, both identification fields must be populated. That means that this field must be filled for new old questionnaires as well as newly created ones.
Roster concept
A roster is a group of questions and subsections that are repeated for a collection of similar items. The collection can be contained within that roster (Fixed roster) or it can be derived from a different question in the same questionnaire (numeric, list, or multi-select question), which is called a trigger-question. The type of the trigger question defines the type of the roster. When we say ’numeric roster’ we mean in fact ‘roster triggered by a numeric question’.
June 21, 2016Static Text
A stat
ic-text is not a question but a text
that can also be accompanied by a photo. A static-text cannot be
modified by the enumerator, and is not intended to capture data but to
communicate information to the enumerator or the interviewee. The text
can be comprised of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic
punctuation symbols and spaces. You may also use text substitution to
reference questions and user-defined or system-defined variables in the
text. To do this, enclose the question or variable name with the
percentage sign (%).>
Calculated variables are a powerful addition to the functionality of Survey Solutions: they are named computable expressions, which can be added to a questionnaire for convenience when operating with large and/or complex expressions. Variables can be used to simplify and improve the validation and enabling conditions. The values of variables can be substituted into the question text or into a static text to provide more informative, dynamic content.
Every variable has a name, a type and an expression.
June 16, 2016