To update the settings of the questionnaire, click on the Settings button located at the top right of the page.

The settings of a questionnaire contain these parameters:
- Questionnaire name - a visible (human-readable) name of the questionnaire, and
- Questionnaire variable - a name that will be assigned to the main data file when this questionnaire is exported.
- Hide element when it is disabled - a flag that enforces all disabled elements in the questionnaire to be hidden when disabled regardless of their individual visibility settings (hide-if-disabled flag).

The questionnaire name may be in any language and contain multiple words, though it is still a good idea to keep it short.
The questionnaire variable must satisfy the requirements for variable names applicable throughout the questionnaire.
Click Update button if you want any of your changes to questionnaire settings preserved.
Through the questionnaire settings one can also control the collaboration, this is discussed in the sharing a questionnaire article.