Compile errors

May 8, 2024

Survey Solutions Designer conducts analysis of your questionnaire for many common problems and design errors. The following table summarizes the messages issued by the Designer when the questionnaire is compiled.

Some of these messages indicate a situation of an error, where the current questionnaire is invalid and may not be used for data collection until the indicated problem is fixed. For example, these are the syntax errors in expressions (see WB0002 or WB0003 below) or duplication of identifiers of variables (WB0026), and other similar problems.

Other messages correspond to a situation of a warning, which hint on a potential improvement in efficiency, or a notable situation, which may be something to evaluate in the context of a specific survey. For example, Survey Solutions Designer may detect that the same categories are defined in several different questions, and advise to make use of reusable categories: see WB0296 below. While this is not an error, it is something that will make the management of these sets of categories easier and reduce the work for translators of the questionnaire to other languages. Another example is a warning about the absence of a GPS question in the questionnaire. Having the location of the interview opens up great possibilities for data analysis, integration, and quality control, and is easily obtainable with modern tools, so it can very well be an oversight that it is not included, and yet it is not mandatory and up to the author of the questionnaire to decide whether to include it or not in a particular survey questionnaire.

WB0001Questionnaire must contain at least one question.
WB0002Validation condition has a syntax error.
WB0003Enabling condition has a syntax error.
WB0004Variable cannot have empty expression.
WB0005Variable expression has length more than {0} characters.
WB0006Only one GPS question could be marked as identifyingMeans that only one GPS location question may be placed to the cover page. Since different questionnaires may have different variable names for the GPS questions, Survey Solutions picks the location question not by variable name, but by position (first GPS location question in the cover page) when drawing the map dashboard. Hence this restriction. Additional GPS location questions may be placed in other sections of the questionnaire.
WB0007Multi select yes/no question can't be linked
WB0008It is not allowed to use substitutions in variable label
WB0009Roster size question is missing.
WB0010Macro has invalid name.
WB0011Linked question references a nonexistent question.
WB0012Linked question references a question type that is not supported.
WB0013Linked question references a question not in a roster.
WB0014Macro cannot have empty name.
WB0015Question with title or instruction substitution cannot be marked as identifying.
WB0017Substitution references a nonexistent question or variable.
WB0018Substitution references an item that is not supported in substitutions.details
WB0019Substitution cannot reference items from a deeper roster level.
WB0020Another Macro with the same name already exists.
WB0021Max number of answers is greater than number of answer options.
WB0022Question of this type cannot be identifying.The Designer tool will not let you directly select a question type that is not usable at the cover page. However, if you copy such a question (e.g. multiple select) from another section and paste it into the cover page, this will result in a questionnaire with this error.
WB0023Roster size source question is incorrect. Only numeric, categorical with multi-select or text list questions can be used.
WB0024Lookup table has invalid name.
WB0025Lookup table cannot have empty name.
WB0026Items with the same name found.
WB0027Expression has a syntax error.
WB0028The filter expression is more than {0} characters long.
WB0029Question with answer option filter cannot be identifying.
WB0030Identifying questions cannot be inside a roster.
WB0031Lookup table has invalid column headers.
WB0032Roster with a source question cannot have fixed set of items.
WB0033Fixed set of items roster cannot have roster source question.
WB0034Fixed set of items roster cannot have roster title question.
WB0035Roster with a question roster source has invalid source question for names of rows.
WB0036Roster cannot have a roster title question when the roster source question is a categorical multi-select or list question.
WB0037Fixed set of items roster cannot have empty titles or less than two items.
WB0038Fixed set of items roster cannot have more than {0} rows.
WB0039List question cannot be identifying.
WB0040List question cannot be filled by supervisor.
WB0041Fixed set of items roster values must be unique.
WB0042Maximum number of list elements must be in range [{1}, {0}].
WB0043Lookup table has too many columns
WB0044Lookup table has too many rows
WB0045Question has categories with empty values.
WB0046Enabling condition cannot refer to a question from a deeper roster level.
WB0047Lookup table has not unique rowcode values
WB0048Lookup table cannot be empty
WB0049Barcode question cannot be filled by supervisor.
WB0050Barcode question cannot be identifying.
WB0051Sub-sections cannot have enabling condition referencing child question.
WB0052Lookup table name cannot be a reserved word.
WB0053Roster which is the source of the link should exist.
WB0054Roster should have deeper or the same roster level as it's roster size question.
WB0055Roster can have no more than {0} parent rosters.
WB0056Circular references are not allowed.explanation
WB0057Links are prohibited on navigation elements: sections, sub-sections, rosters
WB0058Variable name or roster ID cannot be a reserved word.
WB0059If item uses %rostertitle% substitution it needs to be placed inside roster.
WB0060Question has less than {0} categories.
WB0061Question has max allowed answers less than {0}.
WB0062Option filter expression has a syntax error.
WB0063Categorical linked question cannot be used in validation condition #{0}.
WB0064Categorical linked question cannot be used in enabling condition.
WB0065Another attachment with the same name already exists.
WB0066Question of this type is not supported.
WB0067Valid variable or roster ID name should not be empty.
WB0068Roster cannot have more than {0} child elements
WB0070Roster has roster ID equal to questionnaire title.
WB0071Static text cannot be empty.
WB0072Categories titles must be unique.
WB0073Categories values must be unique.
WB0074Categorical question cannot have categories and be linked to another question.
WB0075Contains more than {0} categories.
WB0076Contains more than {0} categories.
WB0077Question has invalid variable name.
WB0078Picture question can be interviewers only.
WB0079Picture question cannot have a validation condition.
WB0080Roster with more than {0} rows cannot have nested rosters
WB0081Roster with more than {0} rows cannot be nested
WB0082Multi-select roster source question should have a maximum number of answers set.
WB0083Question with current type cannot be used as roster title.
WB0084Categories in child cascading combo box question should reference only existing option in parent question.
WB0085Question should have deeper or the same level as it's parent question.
WB0086Cascading combo box question references missing or unsupported question type.
WB0087Circular references in cascading combo box questions not allowed.
WB0088Cascading combo box question should have less than {0} categories.
WB0089Cascading combo box question should have unique value and parent value list of categories.
WB0090Linked question can be interviewers only.
WB0091Child cascading combo box question should not contain enabling condition.
WB0092Child cascading combo box question should not contain validation condition.
WB0093Roster source list question should have a maximum number of elements set.
WB0094Enabling condition has length more than {0} characters.
WB0095Static text refers absent attachment
WB0096Error occurred during questionnaire compilation.
WB0097Only the following characters may be used in the questionnaire title: A..Z a..z 0..9 ( ) \ / _ - and space.
WB0098Size of questionnaire is approximately {0:0.##}MB and is too big to work correctly with Survey Solutions. Try to reduce amount of data until it will be at least less than {1}MB.
WB0100Max number of answers for roster size question cannot be greater than {0}.
WB0101Sub-section can have no more than {0} parent sub-sections.
WB0102Following questionnaire items (question/group/static text/etc.) use same internal ID. Please delete one of them.
WB0103Roster which is the source of the link is a roster, not a subsection.
WB0104Validation condition #{0} is too long. It should be no longer than {1} characters.
WB0105Validation error message #{0} is too long. It should be no longer than {1} characters.
WB0106Validation condition #{0} is empty.
WB0107Validation error message #{0} is empty.
WB0108Linked question filter expression is longer than {0} characters.
WB0109The question cannot be used in its own filter expression.
WB0110Filter expression has a syntax error.
WB0111Attachment cannot be empty
WB0112Variable has invalid name.
WB0113Variable cannot have empty name.
WB0114Categorical question supports only integer values in range from {0} to {1}
WB0115Fixed rosters only support integer values.
WB0116Linked question references a list question from wrong level.
WB0117Linked to list question doesn't support categories filterFilters are now applicable to questions linked to lists as well. You should not be getting this error anymore.
WB0118Expression referencing forbidden DateTime properties: {0}, {1}, {2}. Consider using current time question instead.
WB0119Questionnaire's title can't have more than {0} symbols.
WB0120The titles of sections and sub-sections cannot be empty or contain whitespace only.
WB0121This element's name or ID shouldn't be longer than {0} characters.
WB0122Valid variable or roster ID name should contain only letters, digits and underscore character
WB0123Variable name or roster ID shouldn't start with digit or underscore
WB0124Variable name or roster ID shouldn't end with underscore
WB0125Variable name or roster ID shouldn't have two and more consecutive underscore characters.
WB0127There is at least one duplicate of "Title" and "Parent Value" pairs. The list should not contain any duplicates.
WB0128Number of decimal places is not in range from {0} to {1}.
WB0129Category title is empty or too long. Title's length should be in range from {0} to {1} characters.
WB0130You cannot use child entities in enablement condition for sections, subsection and rosters.
WB0131Special values support only integer values in range from {0} to {1}.
WB0132Special value title is empty or too long. Title's length should be in range from {0} to {1} characters.
WB0133Special values must be unique.
WB0134Contains more than {0} special values.
WB0135Question contains a special value, which is too large and can't be used in this question since it determines the size of a roster.
WB0136Question has special value(s) with empty value.
WB0137Special values titles must be unique.
WB0200Large number of rosters is created. Exporting this structures into data files might be problematic. Consider reducing number of rosters.
WB0201Section or Roster contains more than {0} questions, consider splitting into sub-sections.
WB0202Section contains no questions. Consider removing the empty section.
WB0203Roster group contains only one question. Consider grouping with other rosters. For fixed roster, consider presenting as a set of independent questions.
WB0204Roster is empty. Remove it if it is not needed.
WB0205Questionnaire has more than {0} questions. It might be difficult to administer it.
WB0206Questionnaire contains more than {0} questions but only one or two sections. Group questions into sections to simplify navigation and improve performance.
WB0207Fixed roster contains {0} or less items. Consider using sub-sections and a series of questions. Rosters complicate structure of exported data.
WB0208More than {0}% of questions contain no validation conditions. Add validation conditions to improve data quality.
WB0209Enabling condition is long. It might be possible to have shorter, more readable conditions with built-in functions (i.e., InList()).
WB0210Single-choice question has too many categories, consider changing to combo box.
WB0211Questionnaire contains no GPS questions. Consider adding a GPS question.
WB0212Validation condition #{0} is long. It might be possible to have shorter, more readable conditions with built-in functions (i.e., InList()).
WB0213Attachment size is more than {0}Mb
WB0214Total size of attachments is more than {0}Mb
WB0215Questionnaire contains unused attachments
WB0216No identifying questions are defined. Define at least one identifying question.
WB0217Variable label is too long (more than {0} chars) and will be truncated in SPSS file export.
WB0218Consecutive questions contain identical enablement conditions. Consider placing in a sub-section and assign condition to the sub-section.
WB0219Multiple consecutive unconditional single-select question with {0} categories. Consider one multiple choice question.
WB0220Using @{0} with a multi-choice roster may be unstable. Consider using @{1} instead.
WB0221No current time question was found. Consider recording the date of interview in your questionnaire.
WB0222Single-select question is marked as identifying. Consider using a text question.
WB0223Section contains less than five questions. Consider joining with other sections.
WB0224Too many sub-sections at one level. Consider hierarchical layout.
WB0225Drop-down menu (combo box) contains less than 10 elements. Consider switching to a standard single choice representation.
WB0226Cascading combo box questions have the same parent question.
WB0227Questionnaire hasn’t been reviewed. Consider sharing it with another user for feedback.
WB0228Categorical question has nonconsecutive categories codes. Check for omitted categories.
WB0229Supervisor question is used in validation. Check the condition accounts for supervisor non-response or instruct supervisors to always respond.
WB0230Nonconsecutive cascade questions. Consider laying the cascading questions one after another.
WB0231Multi select question contains too many (>{0}) categories. It will be difficult to navigate on tablets. Consider splitting into two multichoice questions if possible.
WB0232Five or more questions have the same enabling condition. Place questions in a group and apply single enabling condition to a group to improve questionnaire efficiency.
WB0233Nested roster with three or more degrees of nesting. Try avoiding such complex structures that might lead to problems in data collection.
WB0234Subordinate levels in a nested roster are based on the same parent question. Try revising, such rosters might lead to problems in data collection.
WB0235The same long enablement condition is used in several questions. You might want to create a Boolean variable to simplify the code management.
WB0236The same long validation condition is used in several questions. You might want to create a Boolean variable to simplify the code management.
WB0237& is used in expression. Make sure you understand the difference between & and && operators. In most cases, use &&.
WB0238| is used in expression. Make sure you understand the difference between | and || operators. In most cases, use ||.
WB0250Validation condition #{0} refers to a future question. Consider reversing the order.
WB0251Enablement condition refers to a future question. Consider reversing the order.
WB0253Too few variable labels are defined. Add variable labels to improve the usability of exported data and to provide input into metadata for Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) format.
WB0254Use function IsValidEmail() to validate email address.
WB0255Question is too short. This might be an incomplete question.
WB0256Translation name is invalid
WB0257Translation has empty content
WB0258Translations have duplicate names
WB0259Question title is too long. It should be no longer than {0} characters.
WB0260Title is too long. It should be no longer than {0} characters.
WB0261Questionnaire contains rosters with total number of roster instances {0} exceeding the system limits {1}
WB0262Roster has reached size limit. Reduce roster size or decrease nesting.
WB0263First section cannot have enabling condition.
WB0264You have a GPS question. Tablets must support geolocation to be used with this questionnaire.
WB0265More than {0}% of questions are text questions. Text questions are difficult to answer on tablets. Consider using single- or multi-choice questions instead.
WB0266Duplicate questions. (Questions have the same title.)This may or may not be an error. Sometimes questions can be understood in context, such as the "Other (specify)" requirements in categorical questions usually result in "Please specify the 'other'" in the following question. If you don't like the warning, make the questions distinct by clarifying the question "Please specify the other food type" or "Please specify the other source of fertilizer".
WB0267You have a barcode question. Tablets must support autofocus to be used with this questionnaire.
WB0268You try to use substitution for unsupported entity.
WB0269Question cannot have empty title.
WB0270Section should not contain more than {0} questions.Move some of the questions to a different section
WB0271Macro cannot be empty.
WB0272Enabling condition is using forbidden type.explanation
WB0273Validation condition is using forbidden type.explanation
WB0274Variable is using forbidden type.explanation
WB0275Filter expression is using forbidden type.explanation
WB0276@rowname variable is not supported anymore.
WB0277Questionnaire title shouldn't have two and more consecutive underscore characters.
WB0278Plain mode allowed only for rosters with no more than {0} elements.
WB0279Plain mode doesn't allow the use of nested rosters.
WB0280Text contains a link to an unknown question, subsection, roster or pdf attachment.
WB0281Total number of elements ({0}) exceeded system limit ({1}). Consider reducing the number of questions, static texts, variables, or items in fixed rosters.
WB0282Identifying question cannot be placed inside section with enabling condition.
WB0282Table roster mode doesn't allow to use nested groups and rosters.
WB0283Table mode allowed only for rosters with no more than {0} questions.
WB0284Table roster doesn't allow to use supervisor questions.
WB0285Table roster allows to use only text and numeric questions.
WB0286Table or Matrix roster mode works only in web survey, on tablets it will be 'sub section' mode.
WB0287Questions in a table roster may not contain any substitutions in text.
WB0288Label {1} for code {0} is a number different from the value being labeled.
WB0289Name of categories shouldn't be longer than {0} characters.
WB0290Name of categories shouldn't end with underscore
WB0291Name of categories shouldn't have two and more consecutive underscore characters.
WB0292Name of categories should not be empty.
WB0293Name of categories cannot be a reserved word.
WB0294Name of categories should contain only letters, digits and underscore character
WB0295Name of categories shouldn't start with digit or underscore
WB0296Questions have the same categories. Use reusable categories instead
WB0297Matrix roster allows to use only simple categorical questions: combobox, cascading or yes/no modes are not allowed.
WB0298Matrix mode allowed only for rosters with no more than {0} question(s).
WB0299Matrix roster has to contain no supervisor or identifying questions.
WB0300Question in Matrix roster must not contain %rostertitle% substitution.
WB0301Matrix roster has to contain no linked questions.
WB0302Substitution cannot reference items from same roster level.
WB0303Matrix roster cannot have custom roster title
WB0304Table roster cannot have custom roster title
WB0305Reusable category cannot have row with same Id and ParentId values
WB0306Reusable category cannot have row with same ParentId and Text values
WB0307Question references non-existent reusable category.
WB0308Identifying questions can have only allowed types (Text, Numeric, DateTime, GpsCoordinates, SingleOption)
WB0309Questions in Сover section must have variable label.
WB0390Only string variable type can be used as source of the attachment name
WB0391Static text can not reference variable that has deeper roster scope then itself