Question Types

Question's Scope

The scope of a question establishes who will be responsible for answering that question. The scopes defined in Survey Solutions are:

  • identifying - this scope applies to all questions placed to the cover page and only to questions placed to the cover page. (Note that it is not selectable for questions placed in any other section). If the answer to an identifying question has been preloaded before the start of the interview, then no other user of the system (in any role) will be able to change that answer (interviewers will see those questions with a padlock icon đź”’).

    January 30, 2025

Unsupported question type


If a question is of a type that is not compatible with the current interviewing mode (CAPI or CAWI), then the user will see the message “Unsupported question type” and will not be able to interact with that question (enter, clear, or modify the answer). This may appear on the screen like the following:

Any value that has been entered earlier is retained (for example, if a geography question was answered during a CAPI session, and then interviewing was switched to CAWI mode) and the question is considered answered or not answered accordingly.

August 4, 2022

Overview: Categorical question types

Question type/configuration
1Singleradio-buttonsTo select from a small number of categories, such as Yes/No/Don’t know, or Urban/Rural.
2SinglecomboboxTo select from a large number of categories, such as favorite dish, or name of the village where the person was born.
3Singleradio-buttonslinkedTo select one of the values listed earlier, such as "Who is the head of the household?"
4SinglecomboboxlinkedNOT IMPLEMENTED
5Singleradio-buttonscascadingTo create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when each level has a small number of choices given the earlier made selections)
6SinglecomboboxcascadingTo create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when some levels may have a large number of choices given the earlier made selections)
1MultiplecheckboxesTo capture spontaneous answers, such as "In which days of the week do you typically work?" (we expect the respondent to know the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday,..., and the interviewer doesn’t usually have to read the options)
2Multipleyes/no buttonsTo capture answers where the list of items must be read and status of each item established, such as "Tell me please which durable assets do you own?" (we do not expect that the respondent clearly knows what we consider a 'durable asset', hence it is better to read-out: a refrigerator, a microwave, a dishwasher,...)
3MultiplecomboboxTo select multiple items from a large number of selections, such as for example: "Which crops do you cultivate at your plot?" (the universe of possible values is large, but the number of actual selections will be small, though there can be more than one crop).
4MultiplecheckboxeslinkedTo capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list, such as "Tell me please which members of the household attend any school currently?" (we choose from the list of the household members entered earlier)
5Multipleyes/no buttonslinkedNOT IMPLEMENTED
6MultiplecomboboxlinkedNOT IMPLEMENTED
7MultiplecheckboxesorderedTo capture spontaneous answers, such as in questions like "In which months do you make most of your profits? Name the months in order of profitability starting from the most profitable first." (we expect the respondent to know the months of the year: January, February,...)
8Multipleyes/no buttonsordered


NB: Only the positive selections are numbered as choices. Negative selections are not numbered and it is not evident from the answer in which sequence the negative answers were given in relation to the positive ones.

To capture answers where the list of items must be read and both status and importance of each item established, such as "Tell me please which sources of water do you use? Indicate the most important sources of water first!" (can be used in CAWI surveys where the respondent will see all choices.)

9MultiplecomboboxorderedNOT IMPLEMENTED

(NB: multiple-select combobox records answers in order of selection regardless of whether the 'ordered' option has been specified or not)
10MultiplecheckboxeslinkedorderedTo capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list in order of some of their attribute, such as "Tell me please which of the products you produce are profitable? (please, start from the most profitable first)"
11Multipleyes/no buttonslinkedorderedNOT IMPLEMENTED
12MultiplecomboboxlinkedorderedNOT IMPLEMENTED

Please note:

  • All categories in categorical questions must have distinct numeric integer codes (may be negative or positive or include 0).

    September 13, 2021

Offline GIS Functionality Expansion

  1. Question type earlier called area is now renamed to geography and supports capture of various geographic information:
  • area (polygons),
  • paths (polylines),
  • single (point) and
  • multiple (multipoint)

on offline maps. Each selection is exported as vectors of points. This question type is now accessible from the syntax to be used in conditional and validation expressions. The following properties can be used in the syntax:

  • double geography.Area
  • double geography.Length
  • int geography.PointsCount

In addition, the IsAnswered() function also supports this question type now. For example, we can ask to show the secondary parcel if the primary parcel has been already indicated:

September 27, 2018

Validation warnings

Validation rules are an essential mechanism of improving the quality of data in CAPI surveys. However, not in all situations a check may point to a definitive problem with the data. In some cases the check may only request attention of the interviewer. In this case we are talking about warnings, rather than errors.

Consider, for example, the following validation rules:
Validation rules: warnings and errors.

In this case we are specifying that the wage must be positive, otherwise we should show an error to the interviewer. However, we are less sure about how high the possible wages are, so we will show a warning for the interviewer if it is above 100.0 USD per hour. To achieve this, we set the “is warning” flag in the Designer for this validation rule (first).

April 2, 2018

Special values for numeric questions

Numeric questions may be enhanced with special values. For example, a numeric wage question may contain in addition to a numeric input, a selection of “minimum wage” and “last month’s wage” categories. They can be set up in the Designer by entering integer numeric codes and corresponding value labels:

Special values in numeric questions

On a tablet, either a value should be entered, or one of the provided options may be selected (but not both):
Special values in numeric questions on a

April 2, 2018

Capturing signatures with a picture question

A picture type question can be used to capture signatures on a tablet. For this, the flag “use signature pad” should be set in the questionnaire Designer.

On the tablet, a person will be able to leave a signature by writing directly on the screen:
Signature appearing on the tablet

To store the signature, click the “Store signature” button.

In the web mode interviews an image of the signature (picture file) can be uploaded as a file. Signatures are exported as images. For more information about picture questions, see the Picture question article.

April 2, 2018

Audio Question


Audio question records sound using the tablet’s microphone. This can be used in surveys where the recording of the respondent’s voice may serve quality control purposes or be directly of interest to the researchers.

Creating a audio question 

In Questionnaire Designer,

  1. Click on the Question Type text box.
  2. Select Audio from the list displayed.


How an audio question works on a tablet 

To answer the question the enumerator has to:

October 12, 2017

Geography Question



A question of geography-type can capture various geographical information. For example, it can be used to define the exact location of the dwelling and the area of a land plot.

Geography-type questions are available only on mobile devices. In web interviews the question will appear as unsupported.

Geography-type questions are available only in the version of the Interviewer App with ESRI map support.

While it may be possible to answer the geography questions without using the base layer imagery, for example, with the automatic mode, the work is considerably more convenient for the interviewers when a base layer is provided. The map should be uploaded to the server first (see maps management), assigned to the interviewer, and the interviewer must synchronize the maps on the mobile device with the server.

October 12, 2017

Categorical: Multi-Select Question


A categorical: multi-select **** question expects one or more answers to be selected from a list of possible answers (categories). The list of possible answers can either be defined before the interview or it can be created during the interview. If you are defining the categories prior to the interview you can add the categories in the design phase one at a time or by copying and pasting them from a document. On the other hand, if you want to create the categories during the interview you would need to link the question to a previous question or roster, so that the categories of the former are the answers given to the latter.

June 21, 2016