GPS Question

June 18, 2016


A GPS question expects a set of geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, accuracy, altitude), which identify the location of the tablet. This type of question can be answered using a GPS-enabled tablet.

In addition to using a GPS question to get specific locations (e.g. household or enterprise), it can also be used to define the area of a land. An area can be defined by creating GPS questions for each point that defines the land’s area.


Creating a GPS question


In Questionnaire Designer,


  1. Click on the Question Type text box.

  2. Select GPS from the pop-up menu.


How a GPS question appears on a tablet

To answer a GPS question, the enumerator taps on the Tap to record GPS button and the geographical coordinates will be displayed.



The GPS location is exported in 5 columns (latitude, longitude, accuracy, altitude, and time stamp ) in a tab-delimited file. The name of the exported variable is the question’s variable name that was defined in the Questionnaire Designer

GPS question

Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file

Answered question exported in tab-delimited file