Question Types

Picture Question


The Picture question captures binary files. You can use this question type to take a photo of any object (e.g. national id cards or other objects for a survey collecting prices) and person (e.g. pictures of interviewees like employees or household members).

A picture question may also be used to capture signatures.


Creating a picture question


In Questionnaire Designer


  1. Click on the Question Type text box.
  2. Select Picture from the drop down menu displayed.


June 20, 2016

Barcode Question


A Barcode question expects an optical machine-readable representation of data relating to an object.


Creating a barcode question

In Questionnaire Designer,

  1. Click on the Question Type text box.

  2. Select Barcode from the list displayed.


How a barcode question appears on a tablet

To answer the question the enumerator has to:

  1. Tap on the text box.

  2. A red cross will display. Focus the cross on the barcode and without moving the tablet wait until the camera automatically takes a picture.

    June 18, 2016

GPS Question


A GPS question expects a set of geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, accuracy, altitude), which identify the location of the tablet. This type of question can be answered using a GPS-enabled tablet.

In addition to using a GPS question to get specific locations (e.g. household or enterprise), it can also be used to define the area of a land. An area can be defined by creating GPS questions for each point that defines the land’s area.

June 18, 2016

List Question


A list question expects an open list of answers. Each answer can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z,0-9) and basic punctuation symbols. By default the enumerator can add up to 40 items; however you can limit the number of items that can be listed by defining the maximum number of answers.

For example, very frequently national household surveys ask the enumerator to list all the household members, instead of first asking for the total number of people living in the household and then for their names. Therefore, because the household size is unknown it can be any number. You would define the question in the following manner: “List the names of the people who live in the household” without limiting the household size.

June 18, 2016

Date Question



A date question expects a date from the Gregorian calendar as an answer. 



Creating a date question


In Questionnaire Designer,

  1. Click on the Question Type box.

  2. Select Date from the list displayed.


How a date question appears on a tablet

To answer a date question an enumerator must do the following:

  1. Tap on the question box. A Gregorian calendar displays.

    June 18, 2016

Numeric Question


A num eric question expects an answer to contain numeric characters (0-9). The answer can be an integer or a real number. You also have the option of assigning the number of decimals places to be accepted in the answer or formatting the answer to language specific thousands and decimal separator. By default a numeric question expects a integer number answer. In addition, numeric questions can be extended with special values as categorical selections.

June 17, 2016

Text Question


A text question expects an answer to contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic punctuation, symbols, and spaces. The structure of the answer can be defined using a pattern. This may be used for phone numbers, id codes and flight numbers. 

The picture below displays a default text question on a tablet that accepts alphanumeric characters with no specific pattern defined. 

The picture below displays a text question on a tablet with a specific pattern defined. 

June 17, 2016

Question Scope

The scope of a question defines who will be responsible for answering it. The scopes are: interviewer, identifying, hidden, and supervisor


**To change the question scope from the default, **

  1. Click on the Question scope dropdown box on the bottom right hand corner of the question edit screen. 
  2. Select the appropriate question scope. 


When the scope interviewer is selected, enumerators ask the questions from the interviewee and enter their responses on the tablet. The default question scope is interviewer.

June 17, 2016

General Component Properties

When you select a questionnaire component, you can see its details on the right hand panel. Each component is defined by a set of properties. Some features are common to all questionnaire components, and others are defined for specific components. 

In this article you will learn how to define variable names, variable labels, question texts, question types, interviewer instructions, and conditions

Variable name

The variable name is the unique identifier of a component, which is useful when exporting the data for analysis. It has to start with a letter, but can also contain numbers and the underscore symbol. As it is not needed during the interview, the variable name is not visible on the tablet.

June 17, 2016