See the Overall Progress of Data Collection

July 12, 2016

Reports tab provides six different types of reports: Survey and Statuses, Team Members and Statuses, Quantity, Speed, Map Report, Survey Statistics.  Note that assignments do not have a status, and these reports only reflect the status of Interview cases. Interview cases only have their status reflected once an interview is created and completed from an assignment.  


Survey and Statuses

First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select “Surveys and Statuses” from the dropdown menu. 

This will yield team-level summary of how many interview cases are in each status, by questionnaire. 

Using the filter in the left-hand portion of the screen, you can select this same summary for individual team members. To do this, click on the drop-down menu below “Team members” and select the member whose summary you want to see.

Team Members and Statuses

First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select “Team members and Statuses” from the drop-down menu.

This report provides a summary of how many interview cases are in each status, by team member (including the supervisor). 

To triage the counts in the table further, select the questionnaire for which you want to see summary statistics using the drop-down menu under the Template rubric of the Filters pane on the left of the screen. This will yield a summary of progress for the particular survey chosen.


The “Quantity” report provides the following reports for each questionnaire template. 

Number of completed interviews: Provides the number of completed interviews for the supervisor’s data collection team. Interviews that have been rejected and then completed are counted as an additional completed interview. 

Number of interview transactions by HQ: Provides the number of headquarters approvals and rejections for the supervisor’s data collection team.


To use these report, first select “Quantity” from the Reports menu. Then, select the “Type” of report and the questionnaire. Select a start date for the report (From). Next, define the time interval– day, week, or month (Period), and the number of time intervals that you would like to display in the report (Period count). The maximum period count that can be defined is 9. 



The “Speed” report provides the following reports for each questionnaire:

Average interview duration: Provides the average time difference between the first recorded answer on a tablet and when the complete button is selected.

Average case assignment duration: Provides the average time difference between survey case assignment to an interviewer and the moment an interviewer sets the interview case as complete on a tablet.

To use these reports, first select “Speed” from the Reports menu. Then, select the “Type” of report and the questionnaire. Select a start date for the report (From). Next, define the time interval– day, week, or month (Period), and the number of time intervals that you would like to display in the report (Period count). The maximum period count that can be defined is 9.

Map Report 

First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select “Map Report” from the dropdown menu.

Then, select the questionnaire and the GPS question that you want to render on the map. 


Survey Statistics 

The Survey Statistics report allows the creation of tabulation reports (frequency tabulation of categorical variables) with conditioning on values of other variables. For more detailed information on this type of report, please refer to this article. 

First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select “Survey Statistics” from the drop down menu. 

Use the filters on the left-hand side to define the questionnaire, question, and the condition question (if applicable).