There are two types of date questions: Calendar and Current time. Both
of these questions are recorded as DateTime? data
Responses for the calendar data questions are recorded as {Year, Month,
Day}. Meanwhile, responses to the current time questions are recorded as
{Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second}.
- Relational Operators. Less than, greater than, equal to, etc
- InRange. Checks if the date falls within an interval.
Perform Calculations
- FullYearsBetween. Computes full years between an earlier and later date.
- FullYearsSince. Computes full years between a later date with an earlier date.
- CenturyMonthCode.Computes elapsed time in months with Century Month Code(CMC).
- TotalDays. Computes elapsed time in days.
- Value.AddYears/Months/Days. *Add or subtract years, months, or days. *
Extract Information
- Value.Year/Month/Day. Retrieve the year, month, or day.
- New DateTime. Constructs a new date.
- IsDate. Confirms that a date matches a calendar date.
Current Time
Extract Information
Perform Calculations
- AddHours.Compute a date by adding a number of hours.
- AddMinutes. Compute a date by adding a number of minutes.
Compare a calendar date with another using the relational operators.
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateDeath) in your survey that asks for the date that a household member died. We want to check that the date selected is equal or after the household members date of birth.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question like this:
It can also be written using the variable name:
Checks if a value falls within a specified range.
This function will return true if a ≤ var ≤ b. Otherwise, it will return false. The values of a and b can either be numbers or variables. This function provides a more simple way to write the condition:
var ≥ a && var ≤ b
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateMarriage) that asks for an individuals date of marriage. We want to check that the date selected is after the individual’s date of birth, but before the date of death.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
like this:
Computes full years between an earlier and later date.
FullYearsBetween(dateA, dateB)
This function will compute the full years between dateA and dateB. The
values dateA and dateB can be either date variable or a defined new
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateGraduation) that asks for the
respondents date of high school graduation. We want to check that
respondent was greater than or equal to 18 at their high school
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
like this:
FullYearsBetween(dateBorn, dateGradudation)>=18
Computes full years between a later date with an earlier date.
dateB. FullYearsSince(dateA)
This function will compute the full years since dateA to dateB. The
values dateA and dateB can be either date variable or a defined new
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateMarriage) that asks for the respondent’s
date of marriage. We want to check that respondent was greater than 15
when he/she married.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
like this:
dateMarriage.FullYearsSince (dateMarriage)>15
Computes elapsed time in months with Century Month Code(CMC).
This function will compute the months from dateYear to dateMonth.
Example 1
Assume there is a question ageMonths that asks for an additional
detail—months past the full years recorded (ageFullyears), for the age
of household members, which are 5 years old and younger.
We want to make sure that the additional months reported in ageMonths is
consistent with the number of months calculated from the dateMonth and
dateYear questions that capture the household members date of birth.
For this check, we will need to implement the following:
ageMonths = age in months – (12*age in years)
Therefore, the correct syntax is:
self==(CenturyMonthCode(dateMonth,dateYear) - (12*ageFullyears))
You can also use the variable name:
ageMonths ==(CenturyMonthCode(dateMonth,dateYear) - (12*ageFullyears))
Add years, months, or days to a calendar date variable for use in a condition.
varDate.Value.AddYears(numeric value)
varDate.Value.AddMonths(numeric value)
varDate.Value.AddDays(numeric value)
This function enables you to add any number (numeric value) of years, months, or days to a calendar date variable.
Example 1
Assume that you are collecting information on food consumption in the
past 7 days and you want to display the recall period date in the
question. The recall period can be calculated from the interview date
variable (interviewDate). To do this, you would create a string variable
(recall) and use the following syntax to retrieve and calculate the date
for the recall period:
interviewDate.Value.Date.AddDays(-7).ToString("dddd, MMMM dd")

The format to which the date is displayed can vary, pleaser refer to this article for other possible formats.
Then, in the consumption question use piping in the question text with the variable name (%recall%) to display the date calculated through the variable.
Example 2
Suppose you have a follow up questions asking for the date a business enterprise began operating (operationDate) if it has been recorded in a previous question that a new business began operation in the last 12 months (lastyrstart). You want to check that the operation date recorded falls within the last 12 months using the interview date question (interviewDate).
For this check, the validation condition would be:
operationDate.InRange(interviewDate.Value.Date.AddMonths(-12), interviewDate)
Year, Month, Day
Retrieve the year, month, or day from a date question.
This function will allow you to extract the year, month, or day from a
date question (qDate) for use in conditions.
Example 1
Assume there is a question asking the household head for the year that
they took out a loan (yearLoan). You want to make sure that the reported
year falls within a specific interval—from 2014 up until the year the
interview is conducted. The interview date is also recorded as calendar
date question at the start of the interview(interviewDate).
The validation condition for this question would be:
Example 2
Assume that you have a question asking for the date that the household’s harvest began (dateHarvest). You want to check that the date selected falls within November.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
like this:
New DateTime
Define a new date to use with conditions involving calendar date
new DateTime (year, month, day)
This function enables you to define a date (Year, Month, Day) or
construct a date from variables.
Example 1
Assume there is a question asking when the household began the
harvest(dateHarvest), and it is known that harvest could not have
started before March 1, 2017.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
like this:
dateHarvest> (new DateTime (2017, 3, 1))
Example 2
Assume a date question is asking for the date the interview was
conducted (InterviewDate), and there are three questions that asks for
the year of birth (yearBirth), month of birth (monthBirth), and day of
birth (dayBirth). We want to check that the birth date is prior to the
date to which the interview is conducted.
The validation condition for this question would be:
IntervewDate > (new DateTime( (int) yearBirth, (int) monthBirth, (int) dayBirth ))
Here we are using the prefix to “int” to change the data type to
integer, which is the date question data type.
Confirms that a date recorded is in fact a calendar date.
IsDate(YearDate, MonthDate, DayDate )
This function checks that a date recorded in three variables is a valid
calendar date. Returns true if a combination of the three date
components makes a valid date, and false otherwise.
Example 1
Assume you have a series of 3 numeric questions asking for a household
members date of birth, and you want check that the date recorded is a
valid date.
The syntax for the validation condition would be:
IsDate((decimal)YearDate, (decimal)MonthDate, (decimal)DayDate )
Retrieve the date from a current time question.
This function retrieves the date from a current time variable to compare to calendar date variable or a new DateTime.
Example 1
Suppose you have a current time question at the start of the interview (interview_start), then you have a date of birth question for all household members (dob). You want to make sure that the date of birth recorded is after the interview date.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question like this:
Retrieve the hour from a current time question.
This function retrieve the hour from a current time variable.
Example 1
Suppose you have a current time question at the start of the interview (interview_start), and you want to make sure the interview is being conducted at a reasonable hour– at or before 9pm.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question like this:
Compute a date by adding a number of hours.
var_currentTime.AddHours(numeric value)
Compute a date by adding a number of hours (numeric value) to the date
Example 1
Suppose you have two current time questions, one at the start of the section(ModA_start) and another at the end of a section(ModA_end). You want to check that the module has not taken more than 1 hour to complete.
We would write the validation condition for the question like this:
Compute a date by adding a number of Minutes.
var_currentTime.AddMinutes(numeric value)
Compute a date by adding a number of minutes(numeric value) to the date (var_currentTime).
Example 1
Suppose you have two current time questions, one at the start of the section(ModA_start) and another at the end of a section(ModA_end). You want to check that the module has taken at least 10 minutes to complete.
We would write the validation condition for the question like this: